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Red9 PuppetRig – Auto Solvers and Trackers, resolving complex data

This is a very quick demo to show just how far the solvers inside the Red9 PuppetRig can be pushed with some insane MoCap data. PuppetRig includes auto-solvers for pole-vector tracking, auto-clavicle solving as well as softIK systems and this video shows just how well they deal with even the most complex data.

As you’d expect all these solvers run not only on BiPed data but also on our Quadruoped leg systems and are fully blendable as we’re more than aware that animators often want complete control, however as a solution within the rigging system they make hand key extremely fast. Best thing is that all the solvers can be quickly baked back to simple translate data on their respective controllers.

For more info feel free to contact us..

Red9 ProPack : Project and Perforce Handlers

In this demo we go through our new Project Handlers, expose newly upgraded Perforce Integration and go through our r9File class object for all TDs out there wanting an easy life.

This is a hugely important concept for anybody running ProPack, especially within a large studio environment, if you’ve got a demo build of ProPack please ensure you watch at least the first 5 minutes of this video as its a CRUCIAL concept within the pipeline!

The Project Handlers manage all aspects of our systems, anything that requires a variable, a path, a class binding or a settings file they all inspect this system, allowing dependencies to be dynamically changed by simply switching the project mount.

More importantly the system now has deep Perforce integration, managing both server and workspace connection per project. Perforce is also exposed within the Red9 Browser, allowing you to seamlessly browser through your full P4 repository directly within Maya with options to checkout, revert, sync, add etc ..

Finally we go through the r9File handler, a high level file object that binds all of the project systems together, exposing both P4 handling and base OS management in a really simple python object for all TDs to use.

Please connect us for more details

Red9 ProPack: Massive updates to our IKFK handlers

This is a huge update to the way that our Red9 ProPack deals with IKFK matching in rig systems. Big new features including :

  • Spine FK-IK matching via a new iterative algorithm which produces a really close match. This is a huge deal for animators going between MotionBuilder and Maya as we can now resolve the spine data far more accurately.
  • Limb System matching including new toe rotate resolving. This enables twist added to the FK to be by-passed and also all random FK toe data to be pushed directly back to the ik solutions.
  • AutoClav resolving and matching for the Red9 PuppetRig, allowing us to finally fully match the arm systems regardless of the state of the Auto-Clav solvers
  • New ParentSpace matching added to the toolsets so we can switch the world space of any of the ik control systems over time with compensation.